Tag: garden hedge

Best Trees For Privacy And Screening

If you’re looking for a little natural privacy and screening for your house, why not try plants? There are a great many that will grow up to be attractive plants, that can keep your house sheltered and hidden away! Here are some of my favourites: Best Trees For Privacy And …

Why Is My Garden Hedge Dying?

A garden hedge can be a thing of beauty, as well as a practical division between your garden and your neighbours’. However, hedges are plants, and as such they are susceptible to all sorts of growing issues as well as diseases and pests. Why is my garden hedge dying, I …

How High Can I Grow My Garden Hedge?

Garden hedges are great, aren’t they? You can use them as a screen to separate your garden from the neighbours’, plus they are great news for local wildlife. But, how high can I grow my garden hedge, I hear you cry? Can you make it as tall as a skyscraper, …

What Is The Fastest Growing Hedge?

Do you want to create a boundary around your garden? Are you planning to block out the traffic or cover unsightly parts of your garden? Whatever your cases, putting a growing hedge can be an easy and quick alternative to a wall or fence. It can create a healthy and …